Monday, September 8, 2008


Today my little baby girl turned "2". WOW!!! They grow up sooooo fast. She started pre-school this year and it just about killed me. It was hard enough to send my oldest to 1st grade. I'm not sure why it was so hard....maybe it's just the fact that I am getting older. But I am thankful today for two beautiful & healthy girls.

We are off to their Grammie's house. She is fixing us steak for Ashlynn's birthday. LOL!!! What? We get steak for her birthday. I didn't get steak for mine....hahaha!!! That's what Grandparents are for, huh!!!! This weekend was Grandparent's day....maybe that is what we are celebrating.....the Grandparent's just wanting to be with the Grandchildren....LOL!!!


Tracie Smith said...

What a little doll!!!! It's hard to believe she's 2 yrs old. Give her hugs and kisses from me!

Carrie Blair said...

She is sooooooooooo cute! Such personality. I hope she had a wonderful day! Love ya'll!

Misti Ferguson said...

Happy Birthday, sweet girl! You do have beautiful, precious girls...what a blessing from the Lord!

KAN said...

I hope, Sis Deadra, that every day, you remember to thank God for your wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters, and while you're at it, slow down and enjoy them. We, as parents, tend to get so caught up in the every day life and hub bub, get so busy just getting through the day and the week, that, yes, they grow up too fast. You'll turn around some day and they'll be grown.
Forget "smelling the roses", love your babies!!!

Yvette said...

She is soooooo sweet!!! Love that baby!