Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Are you Consumed by Emotions…

Emotions are the most vivid aspect of our human experience. When we are in the middle of intense feelings, they seem like ultimate reality. Because of this, it is easy to rely on our feelings rather than truth to determine our attitudes and actions. However, God never intended for us to be controlled by our emotions.

Because our emotions have no intellect, they cannot analyze whether the scene in your mind is something that is actually happening or is something you conjured up in your imagination. Our emotions simply respond, because God designed them that way.
Emotions cannot discern the difference between the past, present, or future. You may be dwelling on something that happened yesterday. Or you may be thinking about what might happen tomorrow. Your emotions don’t know the difference. They respond as if it were occurring right now.

Emotions in themselves are not bad. They merely respond to what you are putting into your mind. However, if you allow them to determine your attitudes and actions, you have a foundation that will crumble under the strains and challenges of the world.

Recalling events from our past can stir our emotions to respond in the present. Through continually mulling over past hurts, resentments, disappointments, and injuries, we can make ourselves absolutely unable to function today. Those things may have happened a long time ago, but our feelings cannot tell the difference.

Feelings are the most unreliable things in the world. They go up and down like a yo-yo. But God has given us something much more reliable than feelings to depend upon in life –His Word. Learning to renew our minds by God’s truth, and stepping out in faith in Him is the first step to experiencing true freedom from any emotional bondage.


Carrie Blair said...

Good stuff Deadra!

Tracie Smith said...

Ok and you are now preaching!!!! I love it!!!! Work on this and I want you to do the next ladies prayer devotional. Deadra, this is liberating. You can help so many people with the things you are discovering. I love your guts! lol