Saturday, April 19, 2008

Don't Worry About Tomorrow all day yesterday I wrote/worked on a to-do list for today....made notes beside each item making sure I prioritized each one and marking them off one by one as I accomplished them. I just now threw away the to-do list….FINISHED….well almost….

Have you ever done this?
Have you ever been so worried about the next day that you forgot or didn’t enjoy the day you were in? I’ve been so exhausted by the end of a day just worrying about a day that is not even here yet.
Do you ever have trouble enjoying today because you’re thinking about tomorrow?

To be truthful, I have been guilty of this more times that I should admit.

But Jesus says… Rejoice today…

“This is the day which the Lord has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118:24

Thank God He has been patient with me… reminding me that today is the most important day in my life. Today is so important that I am to rejoice in it!

While writing this I realized that focusing on any day but TODAY will rob us of the potential joy and blessing that only TODAY can bring. I have found that thinking past TODAY and dwelling on tomorrow is a trap. Tomorrow can trip us up from enjoying TODAY.

So I guess my conclusion of all this is…what today will be is up to me!


Tracie Smith said...

From one list maker to another: it is our way of dealing with today but if we aren't careful satan causes us to be our own worst enemy. We must do today and enjoy the benfits of today while we prepare for tomorrow. Love ya!